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Breaking News: Left 4 Dead 3 Dreams Shattered – The Reality Unveiled

Are the developers not interested in making next part? and what message do they have for the fans?

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Ever since Left 4 Dead 2 dropped in 2009, the series has quite literally been left for dead, and as a final nail in the coffin, Valve have said there are no plans for a third game and wish players would stop asking them for one.

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The Left 4 Dead series lives on through its spiritual successor Back 4 Blood which was released in 2021,While it sold well, its popularity sharply declined along with its player numbers, many of which felt it missed the mark in many ways and couldn’t live up to its predecessors.

Many fans never gave up hope for Left 4 Dead 3 though, and have been hounding Valve for years for confirmation on the game’s development.

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Unfortunately though, a former Valve employee has burst everyone’s bubble, saying Left 4 Dead was always intended to be a testbed for the source engine, and that Left 4 Dead 3 isn’t on the cards. 

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Of course, we’ve had Back 4 Blood too - Left 4 Dead’s spiritual successor - but there’s no denying that there’s a major appetite for a new entry in the main Left 4 Dead series.

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while there are reportedly no plans for a third Left 4 Dead game, it doesn’t mean one won’t stumble its way out of Valve in the distant future

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