No Zelda Timeline After TOTK? Confirmed or just speculations.

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The Legend of Zelda's timeline is notoriously convoluted, and Tears of the Kingdom seems to contradict many aspects of it.

what makes it impossible to reconcile it with the existing franchise timeline ?.

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Certain characters and events in Tears of the Kingdom make it impossible to ever reconcile.

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It's unlikely there will ever be an update to the official Zelda timeline, simply because TOTK has made it too confusing.

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With all of the changes that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom makes to the Zelda franchise it seems less likely that there will ever be a proper update to the official chronology.

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Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild both make nostalgic testimonial to the entirety of the franchise, but this also makes placing them in the series timeline very difficult.

Nintendo’s official Zelda timeline, released after Skyward Sword, splits into three branches, each representing a different outcome.

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With conflicting references to these timelines, BOTW can reside at the end of all three branches simultaniously.

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