Top 10 rarest pokemon card and their worth.
Top 10 rarest pokemon card and their worth.
IMG Credit - Google
IMG Credit - Google
1. Midnight Reaper
1. Midnight Reaper
2. Priest Of Forgotten Gods
2. Priest Of Forgotten Gods
IMG Credit - Google
IMG Credit - Google
3. Balustrade Spy
3. Balustrade Spy
IMG Credit - Google
4. Creeping Chill
4. Creeping Chill
IMG Credit - Google
5. Liliana, Dreadhorde General
5. Liliana, Dreadhorde General
IMG Credit - Google
6. Crypt Ghast
6. Crypt Ghast
IMG Credit - Google
7. Massacre Girl
7. Massacre Girl
IMG Credit - Google
8. Pack Rat
8. Pack Rat
IMG Credit - Google
9. Dark Confidant
9. Dark Confidant
IMG Credit - Google
10. Infernal Tutor
10. Infernal Tutor